Berlitz MethodBerlitz Method

Berlitz Method

The Berlitz Method, which has been innovated for over 140 years and has become the academic foundation of many foreign language education companies and institutions, is the fastest and most effective way to learn a new language.

Origins of the Berlitz Method

Like other great inventions made by chance, the Berlitz Method was born by chance.

It was when Maximilian Berlitz , the founder of the Berlitz Method, was working as an educator in Providence , USA . He needed an assistant, and he hired Joly , a young Frenchman . However, it wasn't until Joly arrived in the US that he discovered he couldn't speak a word of English.

At the time, Berlitz was in very poor health, which forced him to ask Joly for lessons temporarily, crying and eating mustard. As Joly did not speak English, he taught the American students in French, but he made the best use of gestures and verbal nuances.

When Berlitz returned to teaching six weeks later , he predicted that his students would be lagging behind. However, contrary to expectations, the students perfectly mastered French and actively interacted with Joly.

In a French-only environment, students' language skills grew rapidly, and this led Berlitz to create an innovation called the Berlitz teaching method after numerous studies.

Berlitz Method
Berlitz Method
Current Berlitz Method
The Berlitz Method continues to research and develop its core elements, and is still evaluated as a global standard for foreign language education around the world.
Key Elements of the Berlitz Method
  • Immersive Education: All communication during class is in the target language, not in the mother tongue. All instructors are native speakers and use a conversational (conversational) approach to instruction, based on listening and speaking. In addition, it is based on the theoretical basis that grammar rules can be found from conversations between instructors or students even if grammar rules are not explicitly explained. Learners can easily acquire a new language in a natural way and develop their communication skills quickly.
  • PPP Cycle: In order to learn a new language effectively, classes follow the structure of Presentation  Practice  Performance . New learning content is presented by the instructor , learners practice the content with the instructor, and then put the learned content into practice on their own.
Berlitz Method
Berlitz Method
Berlitz Material

Berlitz students will be exposed to a variety of interesting learning materials. Course-specific textbooks provide practical and lively content that stimulates learners' interest and focuses on their surroundings. In addition to offline materials, online materials allow you to practice pronunciation and listening anywhere, listening to audio textbooks at home or on the go.

For English learners, the included web license allows you to practice grammar, learn vocabulary and play fun learning games online. You can also share your views with other Berlitz students and instructors through discussions and forums.In addition, Berlitz English Magazine provides access to a variety of vocabulary and English styles, with topical articles written by American and British authors  .Berlitz's excellent professional instructors, proven Berlitz teaching methods, and related Berlitz textbooks will be the best choice for successful language proficiency improvement.

Berlitz Learning Cycle

The Berlitz Learning Cycle is a series of service courses that Berlitz uses to provide quality educational services to learners.

After analyzing the level and goal of the learner through accurate and proven Berlitz level evaluation, which is used as an indicator of language proficiency around the world, appropriate courses are placed accordingly, and the style and progress of the learner are maintained through periodic feedback and consultation during the course. Tailor the class to suit you. Upon completion of the target course, a final level is assessed to check progress and a Berlitz Certificate of Achievement is issued.

Berlitz Method

Berlitz Method

Berlitz Korea Method

Step 1. Design a customized program

- Student Analysis: Set the student's level, learning objectives and goals.

- Recommendations and suggestions: Program Advisor (PA) suggests appropriate language and cultural programs for the student.

- Orientation: Professional instructors explain the schedule, learning materials, etc., including a detailed roadmap for the program.

Step 2. Monitor the learning process

- Consultation and improvement reporting: Review and assess progress with official chart reports and consultations with MI.
- Level Check: Upon completion of the student's goal course, you will be able to assess your improvement through a level test, which will set the following new goals.

Step 3. Achieve the goal

- Certificate of completion: Students will receive certificates related to achieving their goals at each level.

- Next Step Challenge: Learning goals will continue to be re-evaluated, and learners will set further learning goals for the next step.

Berlitz instructors

A good instructor is one of the key elements of the Berlitz method. Berlitz's own rigorous instructor selection system and training ensure that all instructors effectively operate the Berlitz teaching method so that customers can successfully achieve their learning goals. Berlitz instructors are passionate about their clients' success.
Berlitz Method

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