Berlitz Korea
Berlitz Level
The Berlitz levels consist of a total of 10 stages, and the details are as follows.
* AB: lack of English skills
* FB: Basic questions can be understood, but linguistic knowledge is limited to specific words and/or phrases.
- Level 1: You can greet others and introduce yourself. You can ask and answer questions about personal details, especially where you live, who you know, and what you own. Can understand dates and numbers, and can input basic information required for document registration. For example, if the other person gives help by repeatedly talking, or speaks slowly and clearly, you can express simple desires and communicate briefly. The level of being able to give directions, make inquiries, and order meals.
- Level 2: Can understand and convey simple messages. Can understand and process simple and direct information and can conduct face-to-face conversations using at least one of the present, past, and future formal tenses. People in the form of a set of simple phrases or sentences, repetitive everyday (at home and at work). Simple description and expression of likes and dislikes is possible. Able to ask for and understand information necessary for everyday life, such as shopping, travel and hotel arrangements, and coping with daily problems by telephone.

-Level 3: Can understand the general meaning of conversations on familiar topics. Able to initiate, maintain, or terminate a conversation while maintaining a full picture of the conversation situation and topic, despite some errors. For example, you can engage in discussions about specific situations, such as giving expert guidance, explaining and providing answers to simple problems, directing visitors to a specific location, office or factory, or reporting on the status of a project. This is the level at which you can invite someone, respond politely to the invitation, congratulate them, and express your preference, agreement, objection, or dissatisfaction.
-Level 4: Can understand information on familiar topics in contextual situations, and can continue conversations with others by extending various general topics. Can purchase and describe frequently used tools, can negotiate agreements and terms of employment, can have professional contacts and negotiations, can deal with official procedures (such as visas and customs clearance), Safety-related advice and suggestions are available.
- Level 5: Able to carry on a conversation through strategically appropriate use of a range of situations and topics, despite still being hesitant and verbose due to limited vocabulary. Able to speak coherently with simple storytelling and description. Can ask and answer questions about familiar issues at work. Can explain or give simple instructions on job processes and is comfortable in all social and professional conversation situations, such as attending discussions and meetings, cutting off others for further clarification, or expressing opinions about projects. You can discuss the quality of a product or service. Can express assumptions and their results. This is the level at which you can understand and use not only all basic sentence structures, but also more difficult sentence structures through proper verb construction.
- Level 6: Able to communicate fluently and comfortably in most professional and personal situations, and can devise different ways of describing the subject of expression. Able to communicate appropriately by requesting repetition or referring to a dictionary even in situations where there is a great social burden or strictness in dictionaries is required. You can easily engage in conversations with many native speakers, you can grasp the general meaning of a meeting and ask for clarification when necessary, you can deal with more demanding situations such as consulting with lawyers, accountants and other professionals, can discuss and express requirements, opinions or ideas. You can hold a phone call for a long time. Can prepare for travel and can handle unexpected problems.

- Level 7: Able to spontaneously elicit, initiate, and maintain verbal communication, although verbose when necessary. Can express opinions or defend ideas during discussions and understand idiomatic expressions used by native speakers. Able to deal with situations, such as business responses in the workplace, for example by resolving disagreements and using the right words to deal with highly professional situations. Can express and summarize ideas to a group with little help. Can use appropriate language in more complex and cognitively demanding situations. other personal. Can be used as a learning tool in academic or professional fields.
- Level 8: Able to communicate effectively and appropriately even in situations where the work burden related to communication is heavy, such as during a meeting. Easy to engage in social and professional conversations. Responds comfortably to most subjects when talking on the phone. You are comfortable dealing with people you get to know in your business relationships, you can report at public meetings or give professional presentations. Sales presentations are also available. Able to distinguish between subtle differences in meaning and easily understand conversations on burdensome topics.
- Level 9: Effectively communicate with diverse audiences on a wide range of familiar and novel topics, sufficient to meet most personal, academic and professional requirements. Able to participate confidently and effectively in discussions and meetings. Can express opinions and defend ideas during group discussions. A phone call can sort things out. Able to describe and express clearly and in detail, and generally use appropriate expressions to suit the style when talking about complex and extensive topics.
- Level 10: Able to develop ideas clearly and coherently in conversation. With an exceptional level of language proficiency that is close to the level of a highly educated or well-informed native speaker, very specific communication is possible in the situation in the field. Can understand speech on a highly analytical and critical level. Understands and uses cultural references to the extent that conversations demonstrate a deep understanding of the society in which the language is spoken. Presumed to have considerable experience in public speaking or critical listening, and can communicate naturally and effectively in most formal and informal conversational situations on substantive, social, academic, professional, and abstract topics. Can elaborate and formulate hypotheses on concrete and abstract topics using extended speech. Able to express opinions and support viewpoints on sensitive and controversial issues. Able to prepare comprehensive reports on work-related topics.
- N: A level that is indistinguishable from native speaker level or educated native speaker level.

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